2. Battles

Hi all! In this video update, we get to take a look at the “first draft” of Traversal’s battle system. Some notable features:

  • Turn-based combat
  • Damage calculations:
    • There are attack, defense, magic attack, and magic defense stats.
    • “Attack” does attackers attack minus defender’s defense. The robots have 1 defense and Lewis has 10 attack, for a damage of 9.
    • “Blast” does the same but for magic attack and defense. Cage has 15 magic attack and the robots have 1 magic defense, for a damage of 14.
  • Scrollable turn order list
  • Music, SFX, and attack animations.
  • Player and enemy sprites and backgrounds
  • Player stats windows (showing HP in green and MP in purple) that update as players take damage or use magic (“Blast” costs 5 MP)

We also get to see an example of the random encounters system. The way it works right now:

  • Every 3 seconds the player is moving, the game will roll a random value 0.0-1.0. The game will check a programmed distribution of enemy formations assigned to each game area and if the number matches a formation set to appear there the battle begins.

Now that I have the basis set down for both overworlds and battles it may be time to start working on some more story and art content.

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